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Thursday, December 6, 2007
Me back again ^_^
Hai..... health seems to drop daily as days goes by..... dear dear also.... really dunneo wat to say but tis year really sucks..... hope next year i could really see the sun comes out....
Nothing really much happan nowadays..... same old route everyday.... seems jus like the world coming to an end.... as my only world i have now is dear.... i have nothing to ask for more le... ^_^

Note : learn to look ahead.... not the past.... some things will never come back!!!

-=devilson=- lUv dear

spook-ed out @ 11:00 AM

Monday, December 3, 2007
I am back ^_^
hmmmmm long no blog liao...... lazy lah hahhaaaaa
wat happan past few days...... ermzzzz must think abit.....
Last i rmb was i went to quan ah gong there...... and stay there till morning..... vine decided to play mahjong so start looking for players...... dear wanted to play too so i let her play..... lolz dear luck no so good wor..... but i won more hehe.... actually i cheated abit lah coz of 1 player didnt really neo how to play .... while dear playing i found that player didnt think abt his own lower player..... and suay suay i am his lower player.... the way he play is too dead and i could see it easily.... sorry ar vine.... anyway jus small small mah hahahaa... me so long didnt play liao....and worst me becum so blur when rching morning as i wan to sleep liao hahahaaaa.... dear dear also must rmb when gamble u must be happy coz tis increase luck.... lolz.... mum say de.... even if u lose money...... see the whole game me and vine keep on crap here and there.... lolz....
Next day after we sleep ..... we went Suntec wif mummy ea and shopping.... damn there is a staff at carrefour... so fucking rude.... he was trying to cross a spot while me standing there... i was good enough to as dear move aside and i push my cart beside but the item he was pushing was too big and it hit my cart..... u neoo wat he say : " WALAO" .... fuck him lah. i stare at him and say: " WAT WALAO" then i keep staring at him.... he got balls he say 1 more time ..... knn make my mood go down drain..... till the end of the shopping me abit sad also..... i could see dear wanted a bear so much but i conld get for dear.... even tou she say nothing jus say only i could see it that she wants it... hai..... now i could see how useless me can become.....
Time to go home le.... bro drove us up mount faber to see see but it was too dark and too many car to stop so we went back home ...... i was very tired due to not enough sleep and dear wanted me to stay at home rest but .... at home alonne i was wandering if dear get a good sleep anot....she keep saying she did..... really hope so....

DeAr : love u always..... wait till me got my job then we can buy things u like de liao......

Angel : turtle........ meetup so okie.....

Vine : lolz..... wat to say sia...... wait got money let fish soon... i need buy rod....

Quan : Dun be sad abt ur ahgonng okie.... guess he dun wan see u sad also .....

Chiang : u tis tupid .... carefull ya leg ah..... and dun keep on hong hor.... knn saw u sms none stop lolz

-=devilson=- lUv dear

spook-ed out @ 2:24 PM

Let Me Di3 Pl3ase ...

The DeVil

Name : Jason aKa Devilson
Age : 28 yrs old
Status : Attach
Resident Area : Jurong West

Undead Story

I loVe my frens and family....
Dont need anyone to comment on me and them
Not happie abt it.... then fxxx off here
Now playing TalesOfPirate

DiE DiE MusT HaVe

[ ] Mazda Rx8
[ ] Sony Vaio Lappy
[ ] Tag Heuer Watch
[ ] 1 Full Suit Hugo Boss
[ ] Trip to Japan
[ ] Gd Job(sob sob im jobless)
[x] Girlfriend that loves me
[ ] Health

Residents Of HeLL



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