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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
ahhh didnt blog yesterday.... as was abit boring.....
hmmm..... tot of meeting ervine up in the morning de.... but started to rain..... wow damn was i sleepy when it rain.... lolz
Later in the evening...... went walk walk.....
Ended at my fren's tattoo shop at golden mile.... tis artist i can say ...... funny guy lah.....
See him put tattoo as i slack at his shop.... me thinking wan to put anot sia..... i have always wanted the eye of devil on my hand .... ended i didnt put..... hahaaa
When i get home i realise something not right...... found something missing in frenster...... so he wanted to end it tis way..... hai..... no one neos how sad tat can be.........

Note : tis year i lost almost everything le...... there is nothing i wanna ask for ...... so damn freak out..... moodless.....


spook-ed out @ 12:30 PM

Sunday, October 14, 2007
Full Meal ^_^
Tenderloin Steak

Potato and Egg Salad
Sunday le..... time fly damn fast ... bling my eyes and family day again....
Woke up quite early in the morning as i still cant sleep from yesterday anger..... Wrote my blog abt yesterday as my mom and bro start to awake...... my bro kpkb as he wanted to eat korean food very long le...... i look into the net for location in Singapore for it... and found 1 suntec side...... So off we go..... fetch mah dad from his workplace 1st...... when rch there .... to our horror.... it only starts at 5.30pm..... OMG..... sad sia.... ended we eat food at Thai express.... hmmmm the food... so so nia lea..... haiz.... Then mum say very long didnt taste my cooking.... hmmmm i agree also..... so we went to buy stuff for cooking de......
Rch hm le.... tired and hot like hell..... start mah cooking...... and i cook extra potato and egg salad as i guess vine will like it ..... put in frigde cold cold more nice the next day lolz..... dun say i no good hor....... after the meal is now le... tired liao..... Relax time...

spook-ed out @ 7:20 PM

Today damn stupid day.......
Going for a old friend gathering dinner..... drink quite alot..... while having steamboat..... same and again it happan again...... y always u drink liao ...u like throw ur temper.... especially towards me...... and u treat outsiders like buddy...... izzit i good to eat ? i sianz liao .... i enough liao...... U can try again..... or maybe there wont be next..... go and think wat u say lah......
After that me... angel... vine and quan went to cocoon to relax as all my mood actually is gone de but i dun wanna spoil everyones mood so i decided to smile more.... afew cups of beer and a btl of martell is all we have there but is relaxing there....... after that we all went home.....

To Eric : Sorry for the day......

Note : Dun fucking cb nag and nag at me ...... dun test my bloody mood ..... I WILL NOT CARE OR BOTHER WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE.... TRY IT AND U SEE......


spook-ed out @ 9:54 AM

Saturday, October 13, 2007
hmmmm last few days no blog le......
Hai...... last few day was kinda boring and nothing to blog also....
Thursday morning woke up not so freshly and ended i fall down .... hurt my leg..... tulan..... so my whole morning was gone...... sit and play fiesta till evening then went to meet ervine and quan ..... we went to the hawker near his hse to have dinner..... at first we want go Westmall de but ended we went IMM to buy stuff for supper..... as there are ppl going to vine hse for mahjong.....
Went to Giant to grab some burger stuff as vine say he will cook lolz...... As we walk ard quan told me she saw Sha.... but she walk away.... lolz.... Finish up the stuff .... we took a cab home..... crapz and slackz again at vine hse.... untill guyz came to hse as vine start play... me dun feel like playing coz too long didnt touch mahjong le.... so i share wif vine..... but ended he play the whole session lolz...... coz he in good luck if he stand up luck lost how..... hehe..... me sleep also got money earn sia...... but lose my sleep very expensive liao hahhaaaaa.... dun worry vine skill and luck = max level liao.... hahahaaaa
After finish the mahjong... it was ard 9am in the morning le...
All went home and i am very tired....

Note : I wonder..... I guess..... i dunneo what me thinking......


spook-ed out @ 11:51 AM

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Getting more and more boring as each day passes....
Have been playing games the whole afternoon untill cor vine up to meet him for dinner..... Went up to his hse as he is doing blog..... me as usual play game and watch tv there....... hmmmm he indeed abit zhou huo ru mo liao.... he edit and edit his blog sia... but can say the blog he made was nice..... soon quan say she was hungry.. so she order KFC to eat... then his parents also order pizza hut..... after the meal was ard 11pm le.... i pack my stuff up and took a bus home.........

Note : Nowadays ppl like to wait here wait there sia.... is it a trend? What i can say..... Y wait? coz u think something will come back? ok... if thats the case.... What u lost? Time...... youth...... trust..... and sometimes even friends...... hmmmmm like bo hua lea......

To Cindy : if u can see this post.... or someone close to her saw it... pls tell her..... dont disturb monster anymore abt me..... U didnt change at all.... Drunk then send msg gib monster say those things... WTH.... Please dun anymore......

To Sha : once again CONGRATZ.... lolz..... dun do things half half.... say want wait then do it.... but....... happy waiting..... lolz

To angel : Kam gong dua turtle....... lolz..... hmmmm happy waiting for you also.....

To Vine : Our time is near le...... Walk into levis shop once more lolz......

To Quan : If ya dun feel like staying there .... nobody can stop u...... I lost all trust there le..... but i will not encourage u anything.... jus do wats right for you.... rmb.... wat ever u do.... pls think abt vine's tot......

To Monster : Mai drink so much le bah..... hmmmmm u are funny when u are high.... but u are not when u drunk.... change it.... and ur drinking skill will up 1 level.... lolz

Thats all le...... quite tired liao....


spook-ed out @ 2:29 AM

Tuesday, October 9, 2007
hai....... afew days didnt blog le......
Last afew days back went drinking wif angel... char.... ervine and quan..... was kinda weird as the place we sat got no sound de.... lolz....
The next day meet up wif angel and char near my hse to tok crap....

Today.... woke up early in the morning..... same things i walk to my lappy and on it..... so damn boring.... i start gaming for awhile then i set my msn away...... untill angel complaining her job at home... lolz.... crap awhile then cousin monster cor up and asking where to go..... this is one bloody problem i face everyday..... WHERE TO GO?
Ended we decide to go monster regular place name bozzy .... a pub which i seldom go due to some tupid reason..... me and monster went to vine hse ask we came out quite early...... Cab to that pub..... Rch there i order a tower..... and monster still got half btl of martell at there..... finish up the tower and here cums the 2nd tower....... Finish up the 2nd tower and here......... u all siao arh.... lolz...... we went home le......

Note : Everyone got the right to choose his/her way of life....... i choose mine ...... and forget everything......


spook-ed out @ 2:16 AM

Saturday, October 6, 2007

The pic above catches of the day.......

Early in the morning... meet vine out to jurong east ntuc to buy bait..... cost abt less than 10 bucks... went to blk130 to have our lunch...... as it was hot we wanted to get home take a rest.... so cab again hehe.......

I slack at his home.... vine fall asleep while i play game..... Waited for yuquan to rch hm ... shower.... eat..... then we headed down to taman jurong as we plan to catch fishes...... It was a long nite.... we chat and play ard while vine busy wif the catch..... At ard 12+ mn ... i went for some prawn.... damn starting was a unlucky..... akk hit and run.... i start cracking jokes while catching...... After tat we wanted to bbq the prawns but there was no charcoal.... WTF...... so no more bbq for tat day..... 7am in the morning le...... all damn tired liao..... waited for vine to kill the fish..... while quan alidi fallen asleep by the side......... pack everything up and we all headed home......

Damn was tired..... but was fun...... i guess fishing is a nice hobby...... gonna pickup tis hobby.... coz rather than drink drink drink..... lolz liver also want drink come out liao..... but i cannot rmb when was my last day i could drink happily and alot like last time when i was in hotel.... really misses those time.... where there is no r/s problem and everyone treat me like brother..... here right now.... i see the ugly side..... friends once laugh and joke ard turns to foe..... and worst.... can even court friend's girlfriend...... WTF.....

Note : World changes everyday..... but heart dun..... I lost not only faith in love but trust in friendship......

To Sha : Funny to call a fren ask u for ur number... coz u might even offend ur fren.... i mean... they will think tat "wat u thinking .... change number still wans us take from u..." thats y i also didnt ask..... lolz angel also agree....

Stop here le.....


spook-ed out @ 2:58 AM

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Today went to IMM in the morning wif ervine..... 1st thing saw him face was not very good as he tok on the phone...... Rch there had our meal at Long John Silver..... as we crap there.... lolz..
Vine wanted to buy some fishing equipment... so i guess i walk ard there bah.... Ended the damn whole IMM dun have...... lolz...... walk 3 floors find like siao.... geko dun hab.......
Took a cab down to Boonlay market to see hab anot..... lolz went in to ntuc then got .... lolz....
We ate some ice desert there as the weather damn hot...... later we took cab home....
Rch his hse I download the new game in his comp to play...... omg his comp suckzzz..... his lappy is far better then his comp..... dunneo y lah..... play untill vine tat pig fall asleep... then i go home......

Note : very moodless today...... coz i lost something..... friendship...... i guess life is like that bah..... (We use to tok..... but becoz of something it ended i guess) guys only got 2 things that will give up on friendship..... 1st is money 2nd is girl..... lolz.... now i neo y le....... hahahaaaa

To all my friends...... treasure what u have now..... lost it.... it will never comes back..... even if it comes back..... it will never be the same again......


spook-ed out @ 11:48 PM

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
WOW....... early morning mah woke up......
Went buy newspaper see got job anot....... see see see...... sianzzzzzzz..... went to jurong point to hab breakfast.... yum yum..... took some fried bee hoon ....... then slowly walk back home.....
hmmmmmm start mah new game...... not really my type of game as it was quite cute ...... but still try to play it as it was free and open beta..... Dragging time to goes as i msn afew people..... chat chat awhile....
Dinner time..... me went to the mall behind mah house to eat...... then dad go buy 4D..... lolz.... which i didnt buy be4 sia........

Note : Dun be cruel to yourself...... not happy = not happy...... no matter how the whole world thinks of u..... also dun care...... must be good to yourself.....

To angel : see the top note? see from me as e.q bah.... no matter wat reason she gib u.... i also dun care..... u wanna neo y? think........ i feel wrong = wrong.... i dun feel like it i dun do..... if saw her... happy i walk pass.... not happy i ask her fxxx off...... ( wat i wanna say is...... just be good to yourself )

This is wat i am becoming....... So dun keep saying i too good.... i will never be again
It doesnt pays to be a good guy....... so fxxx it is the best......


spook-ed out @ 10:56 PM

Monday, October 1, 2007
Boring day...... Woke up in the morning..... hmmmm i should say afternoon bah lolz..... coz yesterday fishing me cant wake up early ......
Sat down in front com and start watching movies...... damn i hate watching movie alone.... kinda boring...... Cant stay at home so i decided to go for a walk..... Took a bus down to vivo .... rch there and i realise mah ex was working there so i sms her see hows her life.... actually felt sorry for her everytime i saw her coz she keeps on wanna patch back wif me but ...... hai...... me scare liao.... after so much had happan.... chat wif her awhile then me alone walk to the sea .... sat down ..... not a great view as Sentosa under construction..... but my heart is always at peace when i face the sea......
After abt an hour i decided to go home ......

Note : Another r/s had fail....... she hide her feeling well...... but i neo is pain..... cheer up.... maybe he is not ur Mr Right bah....


spook-ed out @ 11:48 PM

Same old routine....... Woke up early morning...... so damn sianzzzz
Walk ard mah hse as to find out no one was ard as usual...... sat down on mah sofa...... think do wat fxxx....... Rmb yesterday vine was saying today play mahjong..... lolz it was long since i last touches mahjong as i dun really like to gamble.... So slowly i took off from my hse and headed down to vine hse...... Had our dinner at nearby market and went back to his hse..... and waited for chiang they all reply...... Wat a sad thing is the mahjong was cancel due to chiang headache....... ended me and vine have to think of new program...ZZzzzz We came out wif idea to go fishing but tis time we use net..... meaning we have to go places that is by the sea or river.... lolzzz..... sounds fun......
We prepare everything and headed down to a place call ...... ermmmm.... i guess cor penguru....... wow tis place sure is dark and scary..... Rch there vine needed to change his cloth..... WEEEEEEEEE ERVINE NAKED IN PUBLIC...... hahahaaaaaa only he alone went down to try luck see got prawn anot hahahaaa..... me and quan waited for him by the side as it was dangerous for quan to go down....... hai........ ended got a empty catch..... sad sia....
Ended we went to Lakeside fishing village.... lolzzzz..... coz really bored at home..... Caught abt 14 prawn and we cook it there ane ate it..... kinda salty as we put the prawn in salt water which a guy there say it will taste better.... lolzz.....
What a day..... tired le..... all went home.... as it was abt 2plus le.....
Note : wanted to upload pic up but...... i guess if really wants pls go over to yuquan blog..... coz me dunneo how lolz.......
Note : Life is always up and down.... Face the fact ...... Not all matters ..there is correct or wrong..... some things we need to see it with out heart and not our eyes.... but some thing use eyes also can see..... gib reason also no use .....
End here...... tired liao

spook-ed out @ 3:10 AM

WOW shopping spree when i really turn mad...... was at vivo city giant............ lolzzzz

spook-ed out @ 3:07 AM

Let Me Di3 Pl3ase ...

The DeVil

Name : Jason aKa Devilson
Age : 28 yrs old
Status : Attach
Resident Area : Jurong West

Undead Story

I loVe my frens and family....
Dont need anyone to comment on me and them
Not happie abt it.... then fxxx off here
Now playing TalesOfPirate

DiE DiE MusT HaVe

[ ] Mazda Rx8
[ ] Sony Vaio Lappy
[ ] Tag Heuer Watch
[ ] 1 Full Suit Hugo Boss
[ ] Trip to Japan
[ ] Gd Job(sob sob im jobless)
[x] Girlfriend that loves me
[ ] Health

Residents Of HeLL



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