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Sunday, September 30, 2007
Ahhhh another day jus rch the end.....
Woke up early in the morning..... thinking .....thinking and thinking....... Dun really know wat me thinking of....... Turn on mah lappy and start looking ard the net..... days seems hard to move on..... msn ervine coz needed his help to do friendster wallpaper....
Heard from her that she made sushi..... was happie coz for the 1st time someone neos how to make and not from shop...... but be4 leaving hse saw her blog...... kns wrote they themselves also not enough..... hai...... beta i forget it.....
So off to ervine hse do mah frenster wallpaper..... slack as his hse and nearly fall asleep....... Later at evening..... call up chiang asking him to cum out..... ended we all at je kbox( a very sad place to me ) .... When rch mingyi and charlene was there le...... we had our dinner and headed down to kbox to play pool..... Damn was unlucky wif my pool today..... maybe really dun have the mood bah...... Coz everyday seems like putting on a smile walking ard....... Ard 12+ we decided to go home......

Note : Y would people nowadays took r/s lightly..... little little things ....BREAK..... Dun they feel that didnt even try to get it back? i cannot understand again...... Y .....Y......Y...... Scare sia...... really scare sia.......

End here le lah.....
Changing to be bad

spook-ed out @ 2:01 AM

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Ahhhh mah new blog...... wasnt done by me... coz i dunneo how to do it....

thankyou shalyn for helping me do it.....

Today such a boring day..... bored untill i dye my own hair.... came out like tis...... lolz... sitting alone at home again.... and found how moodless i become...... later cor up buddy Ervine asking to meet up coz i am really bored and even my leg hasnt recover yet.... Ended up in a coversation wif angel ..... as sha is helping me wif my blog......

Evening le..... i meet up wif Ervine and quan as we took bus down to taman jurong for dinner and waited for angel and chiang....... DAMN they are long..... 1 more time late so long i will kick both ur arse up...... Had our dinner together and headed down to...... ermmm.... i dunneo how to say that place...... but they could do fishing and catch big prawn .... lolz

When get there ..... meet up wif mingyi and charlene..... wow.... a very long 3hrs at there..... so much ppl at there catching prawns...... but only mingyi and ervine rented the rod to fish...... ended me and chiang keep crapping by the side.... and chiang was even hurt by 1 of the prawns.... hahhahaaaaa tupid him........

After that we headed down to superbowl for a game of snooker...... damn that place got lousy clue....... got a hard time playing at 1st....... after that all was tired le..... we separated from there and all went home.......

To Angel : Dun think so much le..... take some time bah.... and I am sorry.... i really couldnt enjoy myself..... look at everyone.... lolz..... maybe i have to cancel year end outing to Genting also.....

To Ervine : Always mah best buddy.... we gonna look for job tgt le.... mah leg getting beta ^_^

To Shalyn : Thankyou again for helping me do this blog..... Hope u settle wat is in ur heart .... and find out what really u wants..... and always a idoit to ya..... ^^

To tupid nuer Quan : Dun laugh untill like ur engine cannot start lah..... scary sia... hahahaa

Note: How I wish time will go back..... I will not do the same mistake and also wunt fall for the wrong ger..... So much regret in mah life but is my own choice.... i made it.... now i accept it.... scar will always in my heart......

Stop here le..... 3am+ liao

-=TiaN=- no longer exist ...

Welcome -=Devilson=-

spook-ed out @ 3:12 AM

Let Me Di3 Pl3ase ...

The DeVil

Name : Jason aKa Devilson
Age : 28 yrs old
Status : Attach
Resident Area : Jurong West

Undead Story

I loVe my frens and family....
Dont need anyone to comment on me and them
Not happie abt it.... then fxxx off here
Now playing TalesOfPirate

DiE DiE MusT HaVe

[ ] Mazda Rx8
[ ] Sony Vaio Lappy
[ ] Tag Heuer Watch
[ ] 1 Full Suit Hugo Boss
[ ] Trip to Japan
[ ] Gd Job(sob sob im jobless)
[x] Girlfriend that loves me
[ ] Health

Residents Of HeLL



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